Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Parts G & H

Production Assessment :

For this assignemnt, the students will pick what their favorite emotion is from the clip and get to go home and find a movie, clip of movie, cartoon, or any kind of media that show that emotion. Once they find the media that they want to use, they will bring it into class, show it to the class and explain the emotion that they picked and why this part of media expresses that emotion. After everyone has gone, put the students into groups and have them make up a cartoon, or drawing of an emotion that they like the best. They can do this on a peice of paper or if ipads are available then use those.After they have done that have each group present to the class.

This is an example on an Ipad of something a student might draw. They drew a happy person because they have an ice cream cone and since they love ice cream, it therefore makes them happy. They have come up with a reason to feel the emotion happy, and have be able to idenify it so they have completed the exericse.


        Thoman, Elizabeth. Jolls, Tessa. March 2004. Media Literacy. A National Priority for a Changing World. Center for Media Literacy.

         Considine, David. Baker, Frank. 2006. Focus on Film. They Learn it Thru Movies.


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