Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Parts G & H

Production Assessment :

For this assignemnt, the students will pick what their favorite emotion is from the clip and get to go home and find a movie, clip of movie, cartoon, or any kind of media that show that emotion. Once they find the media that they want to use, they will bring it into class, show it to the class and explain the emotion that they picked and why this part of media expresses that emotion. After everyone has gone, put the students into groups and have them make up a cartoon, or drawing of an emotion that they like the best. They can do this on a peice of paper or if ipads are available then use those.After they have done that have each group present to the class.

This is an example on an Ipad of something a student might draw. They drew a happy person because they have an ice cream cone and since they love ice cream, it therefore makes them happy. They have come up with a reason to feel the emotion happy, and have be able to idenify it so they have completed the exericse.


        Thoman, Elizabeth. Jolls, Tessa. March 2004. Media Literacy. A National Priority for a Changing World. Center for Media Literacy.

         Considine, David. Baker, Frank. 2006. Focus on Film. They Learn it Thru Movies.


Part D

Rationale for Media Literacy Education:

I chose to use a movie clip for my media analysis. To me, media analysis is watching something that you may watch every day, taking useful information from it and learning from that information in a way that will help you. Since my major is special education, I chose to use a media clip that they would enjoy and would make it easy for them to learn from. Today, everyone watches movies and television so using that sort of media to teach, I think reaches the students at a level that they are already very familiar with. Since the students that I will be working with sometimes have trouble expressing or recognizing emotions, the clip I chose to use was a clip that had easily recognizable emotions in it. I also chose the clip because it is something that they most likely have seen before and will make it easier for them to view. “Kids love movies! This fact is evident when you tell them you’re about to show a clip of a movie, and the noise level in the classroom drops immediately.” This is a quote from one of the 4:2:2 reading we had and I think that it does a great job of explaining why media literacy is so useful. Students love when there are videos or clips of videos shown in the classroom because it is something that they relate to and enjoy using to learn. Another quote that really relates to my lesson plan for the media analysis is,” beyond learning facts and developing students cognitively, adolescent empathy and engagement can also be fostered through movies.” Watching clips do help younger students and students who may have trouble identifying emotions learn more about the emotions, and how to express them. They can relate to the clips better because it is more visual than just sitting down and reading a book explaining something. It uses motions and real life experiences that the students can watch and see how something should be dealt with. It will help with my lesson a lot because the students will be able to watch a situation, see what kind of emotion that it causes, and see how the person dealing with that emotion reacts to it. This will make it so much easier than just reading about what an emotion is inside a book. If they were just reading about the emotion then trying to relay what they were reading to real life it would be much harder than watching someone in a clip. Being able to see someone’s facial expressions and body language is something would also be hard to read about in a book and relay it to real life. For my lesson media literacy is a great way to reach the students I will be teaching, it will help them be able to learn exactly what each emotion is, what causes them to feel that emotion, and how to deal with that emotion, something that would be very hard for them to learn from a book.


Parts E & F

Media and Materials:

For my media I chose to do clips from the Disney movie The Lion King. It came out in 1994 and was produced by Walt Disney. It has been nominated for many awards and won many awards. The clip that I chose is from the scence where Mufasa tries to save his son Simba and is killed. You could use a DVD player if you have the DVD or VHS is you have a VHS player. If you dont have either of those then you can look up the scence on youtube.

Internet Movie Database: Lion King
Lion King Clip 2

Media Analysis and Evaluation Activity:

Teachers Notes: Start off by playing the whole clip so that if there are studetns who have never seen the movie before they can watch the whole thing without stopping. After watching it the whole way through, start it over and tell them that this time you are going to be stopping at different places to try and see what the character(Simba) in the movie is feeling. The first stop will be at the time of 22 seconds, then ask the studetns what emotion they think that the character is feeling and what makes them think that. The next stopping point will be 1 minute and 1 second, again ask what emotion they think the character (Mufasa) is feeling, why they think that and this time ask how he epxresses that emotion. The next stopping point will be in the second clip, after you have shown it through, at the time of 24 seconds, ask the same questions again to the students.The next stopping point will be at 1 minute and 1 second of the second clip and the final stopping point will be at 2 minutes and 40 seconds, and again ask the same questions.

1. What were the emtions that the characters felt during the clips?
2. What were some of the things that made you think that those were the emotions they felt?
3. Do you ever feel those emotions?
4. How do you know that you are feeling the same emotions that the characters felt?
5.How did the characters deal with the emotions when they felt them?
6. Can you think of a time that you felt any of these emotions?
7. How did you deal with them?
8. If you ever feel the emotion that Simba felt when saw the wildabeast running towards him(scared), how should you express that?
9. What is an emotion that you would like to feel based on the film?
10.Have you ever felt one of these emotions and not known how to deal with it?
11. Did the clips help you realize what the different emtions were?
12. Did the clips help you now know how to deal with your emotions better?
13. Tell how and why the clips helped.
14. Think of a time that learning about these emotions would help you and write it down.
15. Does learning about these emotions make you think you more confident in knowing how to idenify your emotions?

1. Sad, Scared, Happy,excited and Angry.
2. Facial expressions, tone of their voice, the situation
3. yes
4. You are in the same situations as they were, your voice tone is the same, you have the same facial expresions.
5.They expressed them, most the time in an appropriate way by letting other people know what they were feeling and why.
6. Yes, (situation that student has been in)
7. First figure out what emotion was being felt then express them and deal with them the right way
8.You should tell someone that you are scared and figure out a way to make yourself feel safe.
9.Happy and excited, or emotion that they student liked
10. Yes or no
11.Yes or no
12.Yes or no
13. Helped you realize what emotions there were and what happens when you feel then and also  needs to be done when you feel them
14.Student writes situation down
15. Yes or no